How do you ace a Job interview?

The scope of this post is to help Job seekers ace a job interview.

The post is divided into two parts

  • Expectations of Hiring Managers, while interviewing
  • A checklist for the job seeker to adhere, during the interview process

Expectation of the Hiring Managers

  • The job seeker must remember at all points of time, that hiring managers are in a frame of mind to select. Rejection is the last priority. Good hiring managers are always magnanimous and give multiple chances for the applicant to succeed.
  • Good hiring managers know that knowledge is on a need to know basis. Everybody cannot know everything. Hiring managers look for the capability to learn, attitude and energy. Hiring managers tend not to hire professionals with a defensive mindset.
  • It is imperative that the job seeker is in a listening mode during the interview, explicitly seek clarification if the question has been understood clearly. After answering the question, it may not be a bad idea to ascertain if the question has been answered to the satisfaction of the interviewer.
  • Every question must be answered clearly, directly to the point. Beating around the bush may not be of help. If the job seeker is not aware of the answer, explicitly accepting ignorance on that question may be viewed positively.
  • The job seeker will do well to seek clarification on the role or the organization or any other aspect that he or she may have.
  • The job seeker must press for a feedback, after the interview is over to understand how he or she has performed.

A checklist for the job seeker to adhere, during the interview process

It is imperative that the job seeker or applicant understands the interview process of the organization, very clearly and unambiguously, before he or she proceeds to the interview.

It is imperative that the job seeker or applicant respects the interview process of the organization, complies and co-operates with the interview process, in case he or she has expressed interest in working with that organization.

Here comes a detailed checklist that the job seeker will do well to understand before he or she decides to take the interview

  • Interview Process
  • Must make it a point to be completely prepared for the interview( internalise the Job Description, a detailed research of the organization and great homework on all aspects connected with the interview)
  • Checklist of documents that is expected by the hiring organization
  • The nature of the interview
  • The duration of the interview
  • Venue
  • Contact person
  • Contact person’s contact numbers, mobile and land line numbers
  • Time
  • Interview level
  • Dress code, it is important to present oneself in a proper manner. Proper footwear and attire helps reflect the seriousness as well as establish a first impression
  • Reconfirm the details of the position before going for the interview
  • Expectations of the hiring managers, if possible, in addition to the JD
  • The Job seeker or the job applicant must arrive at the venue at the promised time. This enhances the credibility of the job seeker
  • The job seeker must establish contact with the recruiter once he or she lands at the venue, to explicitly announce that he or she is present at the venue
  • The job seeker will do well to ascertain the crowd at the venue, ascertain the approximate time it may take to complete the interview. The job seeker will do well to provision an extra hour
  • If for any reason, the job seeker or applicant has to leave the venue in between the process, the recruiter must be kept informed
  • At the end of the interview, the job seeker will do well to clearly understand the next steps
  • After the interview is over, irrespective of results, the job seeker must make it a point to connect with both the recruiter( in case he has not already done so) and the hiring manager, on social media platforms like LinkedIn

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