Do you really require a Job change?

The snake and ladder games are very much representative of the fluctuating fortunes of employees at work place.

Gone are the days when people used to be working in a single job throughout their lives. People change multiple jobs and benefit out of change. However it is important to weigh the pros and cons before making the change.

It is important to understand your compulsions for change. Change must not be an impulsive decision. Many a times it could be as silly as wanting to teach your superior a lesson, a perceived illusion that you may mentally relish. Change is a very serious business and should happen after intense introspection and not as a result of a knee jerk reaction on the basis of some unsavory incident at the office. Neither should change be as a result of peer pressure or herd mentality.

It is critical to understand if you have exhausted all your options within the existing company that you are working. Please be conscious of the fact that there is no company in the world where there is no problem. Only the manifestation of the problem differs.

It is important to note that only long stints in any company can help you understand the nuances of the field you are specializing in and achieve excellence in your chosen field. Stability in any job is seen as a big virtue by many an employer. Not only it helps you to achieve some depth in your chosen field, but it also helps you to enjoy the other aspects of life and achieve a certain balance in life.

Frequent job changes can take you places but will not help you make a mark. Enhanced monetary rewards alone do not make for a satisfying job change. You must remember that you if you get a markedly higher compensation, the expectation from you will also increase proportionately.

When you decide to make a change

  • Analyze your strengths and weaknesses
  • The recognition and respect that you enjoy in your current job and the time it will take you to establish yourself in the new company.
  • The relationship you enjoy with your current boss. No matter the company you decide to change, it is the immediate boss who makes a major impact on your fortunes. Will the new boss at the new company be able to add the same value and give you the necessary protection?
  • Comparative growth patterns between the proposed company that you wish to join and your current company
  • Opportunities to learn, Quality of your work and the consequent enrichment in the company where you seek employment
  • Would the overall deal really match and exceed the tangible and the intangible benefits that you enjoy now?
  • What would be the impact of your decision to take the new role and job be on your career in the next few years?
  • Analyze the pros and cons of relocating to a different city

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