Constructing an Effective LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn profile is one of the distinguishing factors that can help one stand out on the LinkedIn platform.

There are about 722 million members. How can willing collaborators detect one’s presence amidst the considerable number of transactions between millions of members?

As discussed, the three factors that affect one’s visibility and hence experience are:

  • LinkedIn profile
  • Strategy to nurture a qualitative and quantitative network
  • A regular and effective engagement strategy

Before constructing a LinkedIn profile, one has to be very clear on why one wants to be on LinkedIn. This is the first step to discovering people with similar or converging interests.

Now, let us take a tour of the features or placeholders available on LinkedIn. One must make use of these features to the hilt. One should ensure that all the relevant details are correctly filled. Nothing is to be left to the imagination of the person who is viewing the profile.

Profile picture

They say that well begun is half done. Keep in mind that people are too quick to judge. The first impressions are always made by the looks appearing in the profile picture, and they appear in many places. It is therefore sacrosanct to get a professional photograph right.

The photo appears in several places with the professional elements of the headline. It also occupies a prominent position in several other places across the site:

  • on the profile page, the professional headline appears just below the name
  • search results display the professional headline alongside the name and photo as well as ways to connect with them and reach out to connections
  • within the groups
  • in inbox
  • externally to the site as well. Visible to those who find the profile via Google search

Preferable attributes of a good LinkedIn photograph

  • professional photo
  • warm, friendly, and inviting
  • head and shoulder shot
  • professional and not personal

Refer to the chapter on Attributes of good LinkedIn photograph in this blog link.

Refer to the chapter on Professional Elements of Headline in this blog link.

LinkedIn summary

The first impression counts. The LinkedIn summary is the first opportunity a potential collaborator gets to find out beyond a photo and a title. So, make the most of those precious moments.

Implement all these five essential tips, and the LinkedIn summary will help that phone to start ringing.

  • Never leave the summary section blank. How will prospective collaborators know where to focus or what to concentrate on in the LinkedIn profile if one does not point them in the right direction?
  • To leverage the essential keyword optimization, it is advisable to use all the 2,000 characters provided in the summary section. The MOST important spots for keywords are the professional elements of the headline, skills, and expertise. The summary section counts too. Load it up with keywords that the next prospective collaborator will be searching.
  • Tell stories. Share accomplishments. Make it engaging and comprehensive so that it can attract collaborators on all fronts. Why hope that they’ll make it far enough to the experience section to read about the achievements. The summary is the first chance. Grab it.
  • Articulate competencies and areas that are likely to attract prospective collaborators.
  • Include contact information: phone number and e-mail. This is important for prospective collaborators to contact.

LinkedIn has other placeholders that play a vital role to understand and authenticate a member

  • work experience including the start and end dates of employment
  • educational qualifications, year of graduation
  • licenses and certifications
  • skills and endorsements
  • recommendations
  • publications
  • patents
  • honors and awards
  • projects

Ensure that all these placeholders are filled in, to showcase expertise and competence. This will go a long way in helping one get found for one’s needs on LinkedIn.

Recommendations, skills and endorsements enhance one’s LinkedIn presence. 

Recommend and get recommended

Receiving and providing recommendations is critical. When you get recommend and get recommended, an individual’s profile becomes more visible. It also authenticates his credibility and opens up a floodgate of opportunities with prospective collaborators.

Skills and endorsements

Ensure that the placeholder for all the 50 skills is utilized to reflect the competency and need to be on LinkedIn. These skills can be endorsed by trusted connections.

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